Top 10 Ways to Create a Successful Boating Partnership


Written by: Kerry Wood on June 28, 2011.
Category:  Boating  |  3 Min Read

Boaters are passionate for what they do and it’s not surprising that they’d like to share that passion with their significant others. However, boating can be a tough hobby to adapt to. BoatUS explored some great ways to introduce boating to your lover – hopefully these tips can help you get your loved ones on board!

1. Introduce your partner to boating gently. Plan each boating day so your partner gradually builds confidence in your skills and at the same time gains his/her own confidence.

2. Everyone is watching you. Avoid entering marinas during peak hours. It can be crowded and hectic when you’re trying to anchor, causing you and ultimately your partner anxiety. Easing your nerves makes for a more peaceful and romantic moment.

3. No yelling. It’s inevitable that at some point during your journey, you will need to grab the attention of your mate. However, yelling can seem harsh or inconsiderate. If possible, try wearing two-way radio headsets or using hand signals to communicate…it’s far more attractive than screaming at the top of your lungs.

4. Give your partner (and yourself) room to make mistakes. You might be trying to keep your significant other from making the mistakes you once made as a novice…but that’s how you learned, right? Let them do the same. Ladies, consider taking an all-female boating course. It’ll help you gain confidence in a less threatening atmosphere.

5. Don’t make false promises about boating. Boating isn’t always easy or romantic; so don’t tell your partner otherwise! Just be honest with them and let them know that it is a physical activity. That way, they will come on board open-minded.

6.  Make and keep real promises about what boating can offer. What does your significant other love to do? Try incorporating those interests into your time on the water. For example, if they love antiquing, take time to stroll the shops in new towns you discover.

7. Contingency planning calms fears. Unfortunately, accidents do happen so it’s best to be prepared for the worst. Take a class together on how to bring your boat back into port alone. This includes everything from anchoring to contacting assistance should your partner be out of commission.

8. Encourage your partner to talk to other experienced boaters. There’s nothing as contagious as enthusiasm. Try to minimize encounters with people, lectures, books, and movies that emphasize the negative aspects of boating.

9. Create an exit strategy. For long journeys, reassure them before you board that if the experience doesn’t go as pleasantly as you had hoped, there’s a way out. With that peace of mind, your partner will be more open to try and reach your final destination.

10. Be logical about boat maintenance. Maintenance can be a pain. However, it is definitely manageable. Help to avoid breakdowns by making advanced gear inspections part of your routine!

What are some key takeaways necessary to create a successful boating partnership? Establish a sense of interdependence, share the same boating goals, trust each other when the going gets rough, and develop good communication methods.

How do you and your partner manage the “love boat?”  We’d like to hear from you!

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